Salutes - digital video & PDF manual



Amrita Saraswati

from Master Sunyata’s practices

“Become like a crane.”

- Sunyata Saraswati

To be more calm, centered, balanced, grounded...what a powerful way to live.

In this manual, the “Salutes” are presented: movements that work with one’s energy, energy storage, and energy expression centers in the body.

“Salutes” are movements that open and close (bookend) a practice, or that can be performed as their own practice.

The practitioner will find other ways to utilize the “Salutes” and their benefits for themselves and others.

Content parts:

  • Part 1 - The System

  • Part 2 - Aspects

  • Part 3 - Overview of Practices

  • Part 4 - Salutes


  • White Crane Salute

  • Om Ah Hum

Includes two videos and one step-by-step manual

Master Sunyata asked that I specialize in teaching classes and workshops to women. Anyone could do these practices, however the manuals’ and videos’ health concerns are for women’s hormonal and reproductive systems.

Thank you and enjoy your practice!

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Amrita Saraswati

from Master Sunyata’s practices

“Become like a crane.”

- Sunyata Saraswati

To be more calm, centered, balanced, grounded...what a powerful way to live.

In this manual, the “Salutes” are presented: movements that work with one’s energy, energy storage, and energy expression centers in the body.

“Salutes” are movements that open and close (bookend) a practice, or that can be performed as their own practice.

The practitioner will find other ways to utilize the “Salutes” and their benefits for themselves and others.

Content parts:

  • Part 1 - The System

  • Part 2 - Aspects

  • Part 3 - Overview of Practices

  • Part 4 - Salutes


  • White Crane Salute

  • Om Ah Hum

Includes two videos and one step-by-step manual

Master Sunyata asked that I specialize in teaching classes and workshops to women. Anyone could do these practices, however the manuals’ and videos’ health concerns are for women’s hormonal and reproductive systems.

Thank you and enjoy your practice!


Amrita Saraswati

from Master Sunyata’s practices

“Become like a crane.”

- Sunyata Saraswati

To be more calm, centered, balanced, grounded...what a powerful way to live.

In this manual, the “Salutes” are presented: movements that work with one’s energy, energy storage, and energy expression centers in the body.

“Salutes” are movements that open and close (bookend) a practice, or that can be performed as their own practice.

The practitioner will find other ways to utilize the “Salutes” and their benefits for themselves and others.

Content parts:

  • Part 1 - The System

  • Part 2 - Aspects

  • Part 3 - Overview of Practices

  • Part 4 - Salutes


  • White Crane Salute

  • Om Ah Hum

Includes two videos and one step-by-step manual

Master Sunyata asked that I specialize in teaching classes and workshops to women. Anyone could do these practices, however the manuals’ and videos’ health concerns are for women’s hormonal and reproductive systems.

Thank you and enjoy your practice!


Please read before using this manual and/or video.

These practices are not meant to replace competent medical advice. Consult your health practitioner if you are unsure of the suitability of these practices. The exercises and practices in this manual and/or video promote well-being and energy and are not data-proven methods. Please use this information with caution, intuition, and common sense, as no outcome is guaranteed. These practices cannot be done under the influence or hangover of alcohol or any intoxicants.

Check the health cautions in this manual and/or video. Do not force or strain yourself when practicing. If you feel pain, discomfort, dizziness, or anything else unusual, stop practicing immediately. Do not practice after surgery until you are allowed by your health practitioner.

If you do have another teacher or are practicing another system, or want to study with another teacher after starting this system, please speak to your primary teacher for direction. You want to ensure that the other practices that you are doing or want to do are energetically compatible with the specific practices in this system, manual, and/or video. It is best to choose one primary practice, system, or teacher, and consult with that teacher about what is best for you.

I agree to the above before using the manual and/or video, or before attending in-person or online classes.

Thank you!

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